Wall or Standing Sculpture

Term: 2 Year: 2011
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 3
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 2
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 1
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 10
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 9
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 8
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 7
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 6
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 5
Wall Or Standing Sculpture 4

•Intro sculpture as an art process
•Explored various sculptures through Google and a range of
resource books
•Intro sculpture and materials students would be using. Specific requirements-Students were
provided with thick and thin armature wire, embossing foil and a selection of fabrics, etc. Sculptures needed to be
able to stand freely (mounted on bases) or be mounted on backing boards.
•Students drew designs of their
sculpture in their art dairies
•Students were encouraged to research their ideas  in reference books
and  on the Internet
•I.e. fish, long legged bird like a stork, dragon, fish, dragon fly
•Ideas were recorded in our art diaries.
•We used our Art Diaries to record-
•steps to create
•materials, tools available to create with
•techniques  for joining-
•Revise-joining methods and materials
              -Use of tools..where are they found
              -Safety when cutting/using wire/glue
•Begin constructing base
•Small group demo /discussion time to share progress
•Discuss mounting of designs- tools and materials needed. Finishing such as spray paint, fabrics etc.
•Magnificent finished pieces displayed at our annual Art Show

Julie Lach
Aspendale Gardens Primary School
Suitable for Level