Paper Plate Flowers & Yarn-wrapped Bees

Term: 1 Year: 2019

Paper Plate Flowers & Yarn-wrapped Bees

Session 1: Children drew a simple geometric shape in the centre of a paper plate and painted their plate with dry poster paints. They then cut the plate into a flower shape. The children were given an oval shaped piece of card. The cut small slits in the edge to attach a strand of wool and wrapped both black and yellow wool around the card, making sure to pull tight and then securing through a slit in edge. They created 2 wings by folding a piece of old book page in half and cutting a wing shape, attaching to bee body. An eye was added.

Session 2: Continuing on from the paper weaving and the over and under pattern we had been working on previously, the children sewed running stitch around the shape they had created in the centre of their paper plate flower (holes were added by the teacher). Wool was secured at the back using masking tape, and pre-threaded plastic needles were used at the end of the strand of wool. The children then added their bees with Supertac.

Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon