Op Art – Letter Initials

Term: 4 Year: 2010

Op Art Letter Initials 11
Op Art Letter Initials 10
Op Art Letter Initials 9
Op Art Letter Initials 8
Op Art Letter Initials 7
Op Art Letter Initials 6
Op Art Letter Initials 5
Op Art Letter Initials 4
Op Art Letter Initials 3
Op Art Letter Initials 2
Op Art Letter Initials 1
Op Art Letter Initials 14
Op Art Letter Initials 13
Op Art Letter Initials 12


To arrange colour and geometric patterns to create an optic illusion of movement and including students

To create different patterns and lines to illustrate the vibrating effect complementary colours have on
each other.


A3 Cartridge Paper. Initial cards for tracing, Giotto Markers and Zart Art Coloured Markers, .06 Fine
liners and rulers. Additional coloured backing paper to frame work once completed.


Place and arrange the initial cards to overlap in the centre of the page and trace around them.  Draw
lines coming from the initials to divide up the space. Fill these spaces with different patterns.
Colour in by using as many different colours to make it vibrant and give the effect of movement.

Be aware this activity takes a long time to complete. Opt for A4 paper and the work shall be completed in a
shorter amount of time

Yvette Nowell
Waverley Christian College
Suitable for Level 4