Elements Collagraphs

Term: 2 Year: 2012

Elements of Art unit:

During this unit of work students explore and experiment with a range of art making materials and approaches in the construction of imagery. The key focus of this unit is to extend the students understanding of the formal art elements of, Shape, Texture, Composition, Tone and Space. Students begin by exploring a range of mark making and drawing activities including frottage (rubbing) to generate imagery. It is here that they discover the difference between real and implied texture and the ways in which artists can incorporate texture to create a relief surface in a 2D artwork.

Collagraph printmaking is an intaglio process.  The artist constructs a textured surface that holds ink in the negative spaces. Damp thick paper is pressed into the plate, pulling the ink from the low areas and thus creating an image.

The students in semester one looked at the College architecture for inspiration, they were thinking about the many different surfaces and materials that can be seen in the buildings that surround them. Using a range of materials, such as jute string, cardboard, textured paper, aluminium foil, bubble wrap and PVA glue the students constructed their printing plates.

The approach in semester two was a little different. These students were more focused on an Abstract composition that focused more heavily on shape and texture and the use of space. These students also used a variety of materials some incorporating buttons and fabric as well as other found objects from home.
The students thoroughly enjoy creating their Collagraph plates and are amazed at the results when they pull their first print of the press. This process enables the students to build and construct, use a variety of tools and equipment, learn new processes, recycle materials and create richly texture and toned images that encapsulates many of the art elements without trying.

Jason Hussey
Art Teacher Penola Catholic College