Black & White Tonal Studies

Term: 1 Year: 2011
Black White Tonal Studies 5
Black White Tonal Studies 4
Black White Tonal Studies 3
Black White Tonal Studies 2
Black White Tonal Studies 1
Black White Tonal Studies 14
Black White Tonal Studies 13
Black White Tonal Studies 12
Black White Tonal Studies 11
Black White Tonal Studies 10
Black White Tonal Studies 9
Black White Tonal Studies 8
Black White Tonal Studies 7
Black White Tonal Studies 6

Concerning the integrated topic of Globalisation, inquiries and class discussions led students to reason that
Australia is a nation of immigrants. 

They created a ‘new Australian’ – one who was made up of facial features of a variety of races
almost like that of an identikit photo – with a touch of humour and distortion.

The students created a tonal bar scale to grasp the concept of a range of tones, and then proceeded to apply this
knowledge to the portraits.  Dry brush techniques were used to subtly blend the varying tones between the
photocopied facial features.

Petra Glaser
Visual Art Teacher
ICA Casey College   
Suitable for Levels 5
& 6