Van Gogh Flowers

Term: 4 Year: 2009
Van Gogh Flowers 1
Van Gogh Flowers 10
Van Gogh Flowers 9
Van Gogh Flowers 8
Van Gogh Flowers 7
Van Gogh Flowers 6
Van Gogh Flowers 5
Van Gogh Flowers 4
Van Gogh Flowers 3
Van Gogh Flowers 2

After studying the painting background, children were asked to roll a background in 2 tones of yellow onto pasteboard.

Children then had the opportunity to practise skills that may be needed for the task… fan folding, rolling, flanging, fringing,
window cutting etc. Children were then given the task of re-creating Van Gogh’s ‘Vase of Sunflowers’
using the paper skills they had learnt.

The only stipulated inclusions were one flower using flanging and one using fan folding. They all loved the fan folded
and joined sunflower (4 fan folds stuck together) so much they all included one!

Level 2 and Level 3

Seville Primary School