Soft Toys & Spirelli

Term: 3 Year: 2008
Soft Toys Spirelli 8
Soft Toys Spirelli 7
Soft Toys Spirelli 6
Soft Toys Spirelli 5
Soft Toys Spirelli 4
Soft Toys Spirelli 3
Soft Toys Spirelli 2
Soft Toys Spirelli 1
Soft Toys Spirelli 11
Soft Toys Spirelli 10
Soft Toys Spirelli 9

Soft Toys

  • Children designed their personal bear on paper. Their bear was to represent something of its owner’s character.
  • They then traced the outline on to felt and cut two pieces.
  • Children then followed their design/pattern to cut all decorative pieces and add detail such as feathers, beads, ribbons.
    They were encouraged to decorate both sides, preferably by sewing on all extras.
  • Children then had the task of sewing up their bear by hand.


  • Children started this project by completing lots of Spirelli activities using paper, rulers and pencils. They were
    given circles with pre-drawn spots to begin with. Some chose squares and triangular webs as well.
  • After lots of practice children drew a design to be used on their piece of timber, painted their timber, transferred
    the design to the timber using carbon paper and began nailing. Once all nails were in place children used metallic yarn
    to wind around the nails according to their pattern.
  • Safety note: we used Blu-tac to hold the nails in place instead of fingers… no bruised thumbs! 

Seville Primary School