Picasso Inspired Portrait Paintings

Term: 1 Year: 2007
Paintings 2007 4
Paintings 2007 3
Paintings 2007 2
Paintings 2007 1
Paintings 2007 5

This unit of work took 3 x 1 hour sessions to complete.

Materials: Cartridge paper, Black markers, HB pencils, Spray fixative, Dry pastels

The students began by looking at the work of Pablo Picasso with particular focus on his portraits and style development.
The drawing activity was taken from David Williamson (Zart-Printing Workshop 2006) and was initially demonstrated by the teacher.
Students practice by closing their eyes and using their non-drawing hand to trace the outline
of their head and face in one continuous movement. Beginning at the top of the head, down the ear, down the chin, up and around the other ear, back to the top then down the centre of the forehead around one eyebrow then the other, eye sockets, down the nose and around the nostrils, down and around the lips. Students repeated the activity (with their eyes closed) drawing the outline onto the paper as they went. They then added hair, eyeballs and lines to accentuate their portrait. Dry pastels were introduced and the students practiced blending colours and looked at complimentary and contrasting colours.
The colouring of the portraits took 1 1/2 sessions.
Black felt markers were used by the students to outline their portraits, which were then sprayed with fixative to prevent smudging.


Good Samaritan School Gladstone Park