Mosaic Symbols

Term: 3 Year: 2013

This mosaic reflects our close partnership with the Philippines and our social justice program that is an important part of Holy Family School and Parish

The Mosaics project took place over a couple of years, with a number of students from varying grade levels.

Preparation for the project included looking at the history of mosaics to see how various cultures had used mosaics, the types of materials used and the techniques used for the process. We also looked at graphic designs and the use of symbols in simplifying designs for the mosaics.

Next a selection of themes were decided on, based on the areas of importance in the curriculum. The four themes decided on were, Caring for the Environment, A ‘Making Jesus Real’ Program, Our place in the community and our school’s connection with the Phillipines.

All the 5/6’s worked on individual designs of their choice and made their designs in paper. These were displayed and the children, parents and members of the community voted for four designs , one from each category.

These designs were then transferred on a larger scale onto paper and placed onto marine ply ready for the mosaic process to begin.

Children were briefed on safety, the use of goggles, gloves and cutters. Parent helpers came in to assist during art sessions and supervised some of the time so children could have turns in contributing to each piece. Most of the tiles and glass mosaic pieces were donated by parents and community members from a local business.

Many lunch times were spent working with volunteer children from other grade levels who were interested in contributing to the project.

After two years of work, the project was completed and ready for display. These mosaics will be displayed on the walls of our school hall after some refurbishment in late 2013 for all in our school community to enjoy.

Ingrid Reed
Art Teacher