Continuous line Aluminium wire drawings

Term: 2 Year: 2009

Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 1
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 12
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 11
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 10
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 9
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 8
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 7
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 6
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 5
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 4
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 3
Continuous Line Aluminium Wire Drawings 2

The grade 5 and 6 children began the session drawing faces after a discussion about features and facial lines.

We looked at a list of different lines that the junior grades had compiled and chose the types that would be suitable to
use when drawing a face. The children were then asked not to remove their pencil until the face was complete.
This was a tricky but worthwhile exercise and allowed them to draw freely without the need to “rub
out” or “start again”! Many interesting faces adorned their visual diary pages before they
chose a suitable face to create in wire lines.

The children were given aluminium wire to create the basis of their face but were allowed to use coloured soft
wire and beads to complete any fine details.

The children loved the sessions, (most needed two to finish) and were as thrilled with their results as I was!

Level 4

Amanda Johnson
Art Teacher
Montrose Primary School